Friday, July 8, 2016

TAI CUISINE by Rob Furstosse of Sannok Restaurant

Rob and his dad gave us a presentation of Tai food and a little history of the country and how he met and married his wife.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

We March in the 4th of July Parade

We had a great time marching in the 4th of July Parade. As you can see, our theme was "Vote!'

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Safety Awareness

Chief Ted Stuessy and John Massanova Told us about our 911 systems and how they work. We also learned that there is a phone number for non-emergencies and when in doubt,  call 911 and they will assist you.

Also, if you call 911 and hang up, a police officer must be dispatched to find out if there is a problem. So unless yo do a 'butt dial' stay on the line to ensure them that it was a mistake.. The  one point mentioned was your children picking up a phone and just pressing numbers. 

Chief Ted also told us of current scams, including IRS tax payments. The IRS never does this, so if you get a call that you feel is a scam, let the police know.