Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Red Kettle Workers

AFter our trip to the Salvation Army's KROC Center in Camden, we wanted to help in some way. We signed up to work one pf the Red Kettle collection points in Haddonfield for a day.

We divided up the the time in one hour segments and members took one hour shifts.

We tried to us our most imposing members to increase the giving.. We think it worked...

Here we have an example -- the "persuaders" (Little Bell and Big Bell)

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas Party

Our Annual Christmas Party was held at the Methodist Church in Haddonfield.

As always there was lots of very good and tempting food...

The Pine Barrens Singers were a greatly enjoyed.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Worst President Ever - Robert Strauss

Robert Strauss spoke to us about the "Worst President Ever".

He explained his choice for this dubious distinction. There were several points made, but the most telling was that he was the leader that wade the decisions that led to the Civil War.

The Worst President EVER -- James Buchanan.